The hand of nod
The hand of nod

the hand of nod

When power is low, some structures cease working completely (such as Obelisks of Light and Communication Centers), and other buildings lose productivity, taking longer to build new structures and train new units. These structures are the most basic part of the base, providing much needed power. If the Construction Yard is the heart of the base, the Power Plant is the blood pumping through. It is wise to pair this turret with a SAM Site. The Turret has great range, but needs the support of ground troops in order to fight off other infantry, and is vulnerable to air units. It fires a single projectile during each attack, but has a hard time hitting targets on the move or if the unit is small such as infantry. It has heavy armor and can do significant damage to vehicles fairly quickly. Tanks, rocket soldiers, grenadiers and flamethrowers tend to be most effective at destroying these structures.

the hand of nod

The SAM site has heavy armor and can withstand quite a bit of punishment, sufficient for enough time to rally the troops to defend them, as these structures tend to be put around the perimeter of the base, and end up being the first structures attacked. These missiles have the longest range of any defensive structure and deal heavy damage to units unfortunate enough to be found in range. This will repeat until the threat is neutralized. If a unit remains in the area after firing, they will fold back out and launch another volley. The SAM site will then finish its animation by folding back into the ground. Due to its attack animation, it must fold out of the ground before firing a volley of two SAMs. The SAM Site (named for its surface-to-air missiles) is a defensive structure that targets flying units. It can shoot over walls, so in order to protect the tower from tanks, build some concrete around it to add extra viability. This tower has light armor, and is vulnerable against air attacks, so it is wise to pair this tower with a SAM missile battery. This tower can destroy a Mammoth Tank in 3 charging cycles. If a unit leaves the range of the tower before the charging is complete, they will avoid taking any damage. If a unit enters its range, you will hear the tower charging up the laser (which takes only a few seconds), and the tip of the tower will slowly increase in luminosity before firing. The Obelisk of Light causes significant damage in the form of a laser that must charge before shooting. If a base has insufficient power, the tower will not shoot at all until the power needs of the base are met. This defensive tower has impressive range (and due to map layout gains extra range shooting upward, or north), but also takes a great deal of power to function.

The hand of nod